低碳钢(0. 20% C)渗硼后获得由 FeB层和 Fe2B层组成的硼化物层;高碳钢(1.0% C)渗硼后则获得几乎由单- Fe2B层组成的硼化物层.而中碳钢(0. 45% C)的硼化物层则由若干个 FeB层和Fe2B层组成的亚层所构成.预变形可使低、中碳钢的硼化物层减薄,尤其当预变形量较小(20%)或较大(60%)时;而对于高碳钢,预变形则使其增厚,特别在中等变形量(40%)时.
In low - carbon steel(0. 20% C), boronized layer is composed of FeB layer and Fe2B layer. In high - carbon steel (1. 0% C), boronned layer is composed of Fe2B layer. But in medium carbon steel (0. 45% C), it consists of several sub -layers, each of which is also composed of FeB layer and Fe2B layer. Pre - deformation reduce boronned layer depth in both low and medium steels (especially at 20% and 60% strain) and increases boronized layer depth in high carbon steel(especially at 40% strain).
Journal of Anhui Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering