3Ross Levine, James Barth, Gerard Caprio. Bank Regulations are Changing: For Better or Worse? [J]. Comparative Economic Studies. 2005.
4lain McLean, Public Choice: an Introduction, Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1987, p1.
6Peter Haas, "Introduction.. Epistemic Communities and International Policy Coordination" International Organizations, Vol. 46, Special Issue of 1992, p7.
7Peter Haas, "Introduction: Epistemic Communities and the Dynamic of the International Environmental Cooperation", in Itheger (ed.), Region Theory and International Relations. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1993, p170.
8Stephan Haggard, Beth A. Simmons, "Theories of International Regimes", International Organizations, Vol. 41, No. 3, 1987, p506.
9Russell Hardin, Collection Action, Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1982, pp. 9-- 10.
10Oran Young, International Cooperation, New York: Connell University Press, 1989, p199.