
HPLC法同时测定山玫胶囊中8个成分的含量 被引量:8

Simultaneous determination of eight components in Shanmei Capsules by HPLC
摘要 目的:建立同时测定山玫胶囊中没食子酸、绿原酸、牡荆素葡萄糖苷、牡荆素鼠李糖苷、芦丁、牡荆素、金丝桃苷和槲皮素含量的高效液相色谱方法。方法:采用Agilent ZORBAX SB-C18色谱柱(4.6 mm×250 mm,5μm),以0.5%甲酸水溶液(A)-乙腈(B)-甲醇(C)-四氢呋喃(D)为流动相梯度洗脱,流速1.0 mL.min-1,检测波长260 nm、参比波长360 nm(0~15 min),检测波长370 nm、参比波长430 nm(15~65 min),柱温30℃。结果:没食子酸、绿原酸、牡荆素葡萄糖苷、牡荆素鼠李糖苷、芦丁、牡荆素、金丝桃苷和槲皮素的线性范围分别为9.38~300,11.2~360,18.7~600,31.8~1020,1.31~42.0,7.50~240,9.00~288,0.563~18.0μg.mL-1;r分别为0.9999,0.9995,0.9999,0.9999,0.9998,0.9998,0.9998,0.9999。平均加样回收率(n=6)分别为99.5%(RSD=1.6%),99.0%(RSD=1.2%),99.8%(RSD=1.7%),99.8%(RSD=1.3%),100.5%(RSD=1.8%),99.6%(RSD=1.5%),99.9%(RSD=2.0%),100.6%(RSD=1.1%)。结论:该分析方法准确可靠,重复性好,为更好地控制山玫胶囊内在质量提供科学依据。 Objective: To develop an HPLC method for simultaneous determination of gallic acid, chlorogenic acid, glucosyl - vitexin, vitexin - 2" - O - rhamnoside, rutin, vitexin, hyperoside and quercetin in compound Shanmei Capsules. Methods: The separation was carried out on an Agilent ZORBAX SB -Cls column(4.6 mm 250 mm, 5 μm) with 0.5% formic acid(A) - acetonitrile(B) - methanol(C) - tetrahydrofuran(D) as the mobile phase in a gradient elution mode. The flow rate was 1.0 mL min-1 at 0 - 15 min,the detection wavelength was 260 nm with the reference wavelength of 360 nm; at 15 - 65 min, the detection wavelength was 370 nm,the reference wavelength was 430 nm. The column temperature was 30 ℃. Results: The linear ranges of gallic acid, chlorogenic acid, glu- cosyl - vitexin, vitexin - 2" - O - rhamnosid, rutin, vitexin, hyperoside and quercetin were 9.38 - 300 μg mL- 1 ( r = 0. 9999 ), 11.2 - 360 μg mL -1 ( r = 0. 9995 ), 18.7 - 600 μg mL- 1 ( r = 0. 9999 ), 31.8 - 1020 μg mL - (r=0.9999),1.31-42-0 μg mL-1(r=0.9998),7.50-240 μg mE-l(r=0-9998),9.00-288 μg mL-1 ( r = 0. 9998 ) ,0. 563 - 18.0 μg mL-1 ( r = 0.9999 ) , respectively. The average recovery rates of them were 99.5% (RSD = 1.6% ) ,99.0% (RSD = 1.2% ) ,99.8% (RSD = 1.7% ) ,99.8% (RSD = 1.3% ), 100.5% (RSD = 1.8% ) ,99.6% (RSD = 1.5% ) ,99.9% (RSD =2.0% ) ,and 100.6% (RSD = 1. 1% ) , respectively. Conclusion: This method provides a scientific basis for the quality control of compound Shanmei Capsules.
出处 《药物分析杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第11期1962-1967,共6页 Chinese Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis
关键词 山玫胶囊 高效液相色谱 没食子酸 绿原酸 牡荆素葡萄糖苷 牡荆素鼠李糖苷 芦丁 牡荆素 金丝桃苷 槲皮素 Shanmei Capsules HPLC gallic acid chlorogenic acid glucosyl - vitexin vitexin - 2" - 0 - rham-noside rutin vitexin hyperoside quercetin
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