
一种适于柔性无人机机翼形变的测试方法 被引量:11

A Method of Wing Shape Predictions for Highly Flexible UAVs
摘要 文中叙述了一种适用于轻质柔性无人机机翼弹性形变实时测量与监测的系统方法;该方法采用光纤光栅传感器在翼梁上测得的应变数据,通过Ko位移理论公式[1],求出测量点处的实际变形,从而显示出无人机在飞行过程中,受到弯曲、扭转载荷以及弯扭组合载荷的挠度、转角等信息,使地面控制人员能够直观地观察到机翼的变形情况,从而改变控制策略、防止结构破坏危险的发生;该方法已经通过样机地面滑跑试验的验证,光纤测量值经过统计修正,使得地面滑跑试验结果精度高,可靠性好,未来可以作为柔性机翼实时变形测试的实现方法。 This paper describes a method of wing shape predictions for highly flexible unmanned aerial vehicles. The in--flight bending and distortion strains data from the fiber optic sensors is inputted to the displacement equations to calculate slopes, deflections, and cross-- sectional twist angles of the wing spar for generating the deformed shapes of flexible aircraft wing spars. The calculated displacement data can be visually displayed in real time to the ground--based pilot for monitoring the deformed shape of UAVs. Thereby, this method can avoid the mishaps by changing the control strategies or executing timely emergency maneuvers. This method with high accuracy and reliability has been validated by UAV ground running test.
出处 《计算机测量与控制》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第11期2894-2896,共3页 Computer Measurement &Control
关键词 位移理论 无人机 形变测试技术 光纤光栅 实时监测 displacement theory UAV shape prediction technology FBG real--time monitoring
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