
种植制度对阴山北麓马铃薯种植区土壤温度的影响 被引量:6

Effect of Cropping System on Soil Temperature of Potato in Northern Yinshan Mountain
摘要 通过马铃薯带状间作长期定位试验,测定了生育期内马铃薯与草谷子间作轮作(P-M)、间作连作(P+M),马铃薯与油菜间作轮作(P-R)、间作连作(P+R)地块10cm地温,并对相关结果进行分析。结果表明,各处理地温日变化呈明显的正弦曲线变化规律,轮作在6:30-9:00达最低温,16:30-18:00达最高温。相同生育期内轮作与连作比较,其平均最高、最低地温出现早0.5~1.5h,日较差大0.6~3.5℃。种植制度对日平均地温和积温的影响在不同生育期存在显著差异:苗期和块茎形成期,受不同前茬影响,轮作的平均地温和积温高于连作,与不同作物间作的处理间差异很小;块茎增长期和淀粉积累期,P-R的地温最低,P-M的最高。马铃薯块茎产量与全生育期日较差、生育前期的平均地温和日最高温、生育后期的日最低地温呈显著正相关。可见,提高苗期地温、增大各期日较差是轮作马铃薯高产的重要原因;与株高冠幅较大的油菜间作可以减少高温伤害,但在冷凉地区,与草谷子等低矮作物间作更容易获得充足的热量,从而实现高产。 The effect of rotation and intercropping on soil temperature for potato in north Yinshan mountain was investigated in 2009. The main treatments were rotations ( potato rotation, P - M and P - R, and potato continuous cropping, P + M and P + R ) two sub-treatments intercrops (potato/millet, P/M; potato/rape, P/R ). Soil temperature at 10cm soil layer was measured continuously by Heki temperature sensors. The results showed that soil temperature was a sine curve with the minimum value occurred at 6 -30 to 9:00 and the maximum occurred at 16:30 to 18:00. The minimum and maximum soil temperature occurred earlier 0. 5 - 1.5 hours in rotation system than that in continuous cropping system, and the diurnal range was higher 0. 6 - 3.5℃. Effect of planting system on soil temperature was different in different growth stages. In seeding and tuber initiation stage the daily mean and accumulation soil temperature in rotation were higher than in continuous system as influenced by different previous crops, which was no significant difference between intereropping with two crops. In tuber swelling and starch accumulating stage the soil temperature of P - R was lowest and that of P - M was highest as influenced by the height and growth vigor of intercropping crops. There was significant correlation among the potato yield and diurnal range of whole stages, mean and maximum temperature of early stage and minimum temperature of late stage. Therefore, the rotation system increased potato yield as it increased mainly the soil temperature in seeding stage and diurnal range of whole stages. The high temperature damage would be avoided by intercropping with rape for its higher plant, while the more quantity of heat would be absorbed and reached more yield if the potato were intercropped with millet.
出处 《中国农业气象》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期534-539,共6页 Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology
基金 国家"十二五"科技支撑计划项目(2011BAD09B01 2011BAD09B02) IPNI项目
关键词 间作 轮作 地温 马铃薯 Rotation Intercropping Soil temperature Potato
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