
应用波动性不对称评价以纸筒作为丰荣材料对BALB/c小鼠的影响 被引量:1

Effect of Paper Tubes as Enrichment Material on BALB/c Mice Breeding Evaluated Using the Fluctuating Asymmetry
摘要 虽然实验小鼠多以群养方式饲养,但常规的鼠盒环境仍不足以降低环境对小鼠产生的压力。通过在鼠盒中提供牛皮纸筒作为丰荣材料,分别在4、7、10和13周龄测量实验小鼠腕骨宽度(CB),第三跖骨和后爪跖骨关节宽度(TMDBJ),上门齿长度(TI)。13周龄后小鼠安乐死,制作骨骼标本,测量下颌骨(MB)及股骨长度(F)。计算相对FA值。同时通过小鼠体质量增加情况判断丰荣材料是否对小鼠的生长产生负面影响。实验结果显示,丰荣组各项指标的FA值均低于对照组(P<0.05),但两组小鼠体质量增加量无显著差异(P>0.05)。我们的研究表明,简单、经济、易得的纸筒作为丰荣材料可以减轻环境对小鼠的压力,改善实验小鼠福利,同时不影响小鼠正常的生长发育,是较为理想的丰荣材料。 Housing conditions of laboratory mice represent a potential problem on animal welfare. However, group housing, the recommended strategy by most guidelines, is not sufficient for increasing mice well-being. To assess the effect of a simple enrichment device, kraft paper tube, on the status of welfare of group-housed mice, we measured the body weight gain, relative FA of five traits of the female BALB/c mice. Lower FA levels were found in cage enrichment groups, but there is no difference in body weight gain. Our findings indicate that the simple enrichment device can reduce environmental stress, and that welfare of laboratory mice can be improved by using simple materials, especially for facilities in developing areas.
出处 《实验动物科学》 2012年第5期9-12,共4页 Laboratory Animal Science
基金 北京大学人民医院研究与发展基金(RDB2009-33 RDB2010-02)
关键词 环境丰荣 波动性不对称 动物福利 BALB C小鼠 environmental enrichment fluctuating asymmetry animal welfare BALB/c mouse
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