对《高师理科学刊》2007—2011年刊登的1 091篇论文的引文情况进行了统计分析.结果表明,5年发表论文的引文总量为6 716条,篇均引文量6.16条;引文的类型以期刊居首,专著次之,所占比例分别为65.74%和31.64%;引文的语种来看,中文文献占80.58%,外文文献占19.42%;2000年以后的引文文献最多,占总引文量的71.53%;普赖斯指数为37.67%.从引文的量化指标中找出存在的问题,为该刊的发展提供参考,并促使作者、编者更好地重视参考文献的著录.
Satistical analysis references of 1 091 essays of journal of science of teachers' college and university from 2007 to 2011. The results showed that the citation amount and average citation amount were 6 716 and 6.16 in five years, the citation rate of periodicals and books were 65.74%, 31.64%, the citation rate of Chinese document and foreign document were 80.58% and 19.42%, the citation rate of the documents in 2000S was 71.53%, the Price index were 37.67%. These quantitative figures were useful for the development of journal of science of teachers' college and university. The study attempts to find out its some problems that can draw attention of authors and editors in reference data.
Journal of Science of Teachers'College and University
citation analysis
Price index
journal of science of teachers' college and university