Prejanopterus curvirostra, from the Early Cretaceous of La Rioja province, was the first pterosaur genus and species described from Spain. The material comprises disarticulated cranial and postcranial remains from several individuals. The fossil-bearing bed is assigned to the lacustrine Leza Formation (eastern Cameros Basin, NW margin of the Iberian Range). This unit is regarded as either Berriasian-Valanginian or Barremian-Aptian. Prejanopterus curvirostris (specific name emended) was originally diagnosed on the basis of several characters of which the most significant was a lateral curvature of the rostrum. Re-examination of the holotype (rostrum) and paratype (partial rostrum with teeth) indicates that there is no genuine sideways bend of the preserved premaxilla-maxilla segments, but a slight dorsal curvature. Prejanopterus is characterized by a unique combination of characters: an emended diagnosis is provided. In contrast with previous estimates, the wing span of Prejanopterus was probably not much (if ever) in excess of 2 m. A phylogenetic analysis suggests that Prejanopterus is a basal pterodactyloid positioned between Pterodactylus and Cycnorhamphus- Gallodactylus. Prejanopterus represents the first evidence of Pterodactylidae in the Early Cretaceous of the Iberian Peninsula.
Prejanopterus curvirostra, from the Early Cretaceous of La Rioja province, was the first pterosaur genus and species described from Spain. The material comprises disarticulated cranial and postcranial remains from several individuals. The fossil-bearing bed is assigned to the lacustrine Leza Formation (eastern Cameros Basin, NW margin of the Iberian Range). This unit is regarded as either Berriasian-Valanginian or Barremian-Aptian. Prejanopterus curvirostris (specific name emended) was originally diagnosed on the basis of several characters of which the most significant was a lateral curvature of the rostrum. Re-examination of the holotype (rostrum) and paratype (partial rostrum with teeth) indicates that there is no genuine sideways bend of the preserved premaxilla-maxilla segments, but a slight dorsal curvature. Prejanopterus is characterized by a unique combination of characters: an emended diagnosis is provided. In contrast with previous estimates, the wing span of Prejanopterus was probably not much (if ever) in excess of 2 m. A phylogenetic analysis suggests that Prejanopterus is a basal pterodactyloid positioned between Pterodactylus and Cycnorhamphus- Gallodactylus. Prejanopterus represents the first evidence of Pterodactylidae in the Early Cretaceous of the Iberian Peninsula.
provided by the projects CGL2010-16447/BTE,CGL2010-18851/BTE,CGL2009-12143/BTE of the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (currently Ministerio de Economía y Comptetitividad,MINECO) of Spain
by the research group IT-320-10 of the Gobierno Vasco/EJ (XPS)
by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation through a sponsorship of renewed research stay in Germany (FK)
by the protocol CN-04-226 of the Principado de Asturias/Universidad de Oviedo (JIR-O)