
中国10城市环境满意度和生活满意度调查报告 被引量:20

Report of Environment Satisfaction and Life Satisfaction in 10 Cities in China
摘要 传统的环境监测指标虽然涉及多个方面,但具有一定的局限性,还需要考虑居民对城市环境和生活满意程度的主观感受指标。选用绿色环境满意度问卷和生活满意度问卷,在全国8大区域选取了有代表性的10个城市的11 689位市民进行了问卷调查。结果显示,环境满意度由高到低的城市排名依次为:昆明、成都、北京、上海、武汉、西安、乌鲁木齐、哈尔滨、兰州、广州;生活满意度由高到低的城市排名依次为:成都、哈尔滨、昆明、乌鲁木齐、北京、西安、上海、兰州、武汉、广州。不同人群在环境满意度和生活满意度上表现出一定的差异。总体上来看:女性对环境和生活满意程度显著高于男性;年龄越大,对环境和生活的满意度越高;工人和农民的环境满意度和生活满意度最高;受教育程度越高则对环境和生活的满意程度越低;汉族与少数民族的环境满意程度没有显著差异,汉族的生活满意度高于少数民族;在某个城市居住时间越长,环境和生活满意度越高。总体而言,中国10城市环境满意度和生活满意度整体偏低,还有很大的提高空间;在10个城市中,昆明、成都的环境和生活满意度都靠前,兰州、广州的环境与生活满意度都靠后。 Although traditional environment monitoring indicators refer to a variety of aspects of environment, they are in lack of subjective indicators such as environment satisfaction and life satisfaction. In this study, 11 689 citizens conducted a questionnaire called Satisfaction with Green Environment(SWGE) and Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS)in 10 representative cities in China. Results show that environment satisfaction rankings of the 10 cities from highest to lowest are: Kunming, Chengdu, Beijing, Shanghai, Wuhan, Xi'an, Urumqi, Harbin, Lanzhou, Guangzhou. Life satisfaction rankings of the cities from high to low are: Chengdu, Harbin, Kunming, Urumqi, Beijing, Xi'an, Shanghai, Lanzhou, Wuhan, Guangzhou. Different groups of people show differences in environment satisfaction and life satisfaction. Generally, females are more satisfied in environment and life than males. Older people are more satisfied with environment and life. Workers and peasants are the most satisfied groups in environment and life. Higher educated people feel less satisfied with environment andThe longer a person lives in a city, general, environment satisfaction and the higher satisfaction he (she)has life satisfaction are low in 10 cities. in environment and life. In There is still much room for improvement in green environment in China. Kunming and Chengdu are at the head of the 10 cities in green environment satisfaction and life satisfaction whereas Lanzhou and Guangzhou drop behind. Present study indicates that Chinese city residents are not sufficiently satisfied with their green environment. Scores of the 10 cities are all lower than 70 (out of a full mark of 100).
出处 《北京林业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2012年第4期1-7,共7页 Journal of Beijing Forestry University :Social Sciences
基金 北京市哲学社会科学"十一五"规划项目"绿色北京建设研究"(09ZDA04)
关键词 环境满意度 生活满意度 问卷调查 environment satisfaction life satisfaction questionnaire survey
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