
新一代传送网关键技术和发展趋势 被引量:12

Key Technologies and Trends for New Generation Transport Network
摘要 首先阐述了新一代传送网的基本特征,重点讲述了以OTN为代表的透明联网技术的发展趋势,接下来讲述了100 Gbit/s及超100 Gbit/s高速WDM系统的发展趋势和挑战,最后重点分析了超低损耗光纤和基于光纤的复用技术的发展情况。 The main characteristics of new generation transport network were presented firstly, and transparent networking technologies, in particular OTN, as an initial transparent networking technology for new generation transport networks, were also analyzed. Additionally, focusing on the development and challenges of 100 Gbit/s and beyond 100 Gbit/s WDM systems, the development of optical fiber and fiber-based multiplexing technologies were discussed.
出处 《电信科学》 北大核心 2013年第1期1-7,共7页 Telecommunications Science
关键词 新一代传送网 OTN 100 Gbit s ROADM new-generation transport network, OTN, 100 Gbit/s, ROADM
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