
^89锶治疗恶性肿瘤骨转移性疼痛的效果和护理方法 被引量:5

Effect and nursing in the treatment of bone pain related to metastasis with Strontium-89
摘要 目的探讨89锶治疗骨转移癌患者疼痛的效果与护理方法。方法 42例均经病理学检查确诊的恶性肿瘤患者,经ECT及X线平片、CT、MR证实骨转移,给予氯化锶注射治疗,观察疼痛缓解效果及不良反应,并做好护理。结果 42例患者经评价疗效,患者疼痛缓解率为76.2%,其中乳腺癌效果最为明显,有效率为91.7%,不良反应主要为骨髓抑制,33例患者出现白细胞、血小板及血色素下降,占78.6%,其中1例患者出现白细胞Ⅱ度下降,其余患者均为Ⅰ度下降,无需特殊处理。结论 89锶可减轻恶性肿瘤骨转移,改善生活质量,方法简便、不良反应较少,值得临床推广应用,要注意治疗前、治疗中及治疗后的护理。 Objective To explore the effect and nursing in treatment of bone pain related to metastasis with Strontium-89. Methods The clinical data of 42 patients of malignant cancer with skeletal complications were retrospectively analyzed. Bone metastases were found by radionuclide bone imaging and proved by X-ray, CT or MRI. Strontium (Sr-89)ehloride was injected and the effect and adverse effect was observed. Nursing methods were conducted by clinical nurse. Resluts The severity of bone pain before treatment and 12 weeks after treatment were compared, 76.2% of the 42 patients were observed pain parliament, especially those patients with mammary cancer with efficient rate of 91.7%. The general adverse reactions and hematologic toxicity after treatment were observed. The side effects were mild, 33 cases occured 1 grade reversible myelosuppression with no treatment and 1 case got 2 grade myelosuppression who was cured by treatment. Several special nursing methods were conducted by clinical nurses. Conclusion Strontium-89 are effective and safe for the management of malignant cancer related bone pain, and special nursing should be paid great attention.
出处 《海南医学》 CAS 2013年第1期147-149,共3页 Hainan Medical Journal
关键词 ”锶 骨转移疼痛 疗效 护理 Bone metastasis Bone pain Strontium-89( 89Sr) Effect Nursing
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