
用活性氧化铝去除饮水中氟的工程化试验研究 被引量:8

Engineering Experimental Study on Removing Fluorine From Drinking Water Using Activated Alumina
摘要 研究了用活性氧化铝从饮水中除氟,并将其与密实移动床吸附装置相结合。结果表明:用活性氧化铝-密实移动床从饮水中除氟处理水量大,可连续运行,产水中氟质量浓度适宜(0.5~1.0mg/L);设备尺寸较小,吸附剂氟容量较高;载氟活性氧化铝可用少量NaOH溶液处理后再用水淋洗;对高浓度氟、铝淋洗液,可采用石灰乳沉淀—硫酸调整pH工艺处理,保证除氟工程的环保要求。另外,还提供了按处理量设计的固定床装置或密实移动床吸附塔及其配套再生塔设计图。 Removing fluorine from drinking water using activated alumina and close-grained moving bed absorption equipment was investigated. The results showed that using activated alumina-close-grained moving bed to remove fluorine could obtain better water with proper concentration of fluorine (0.5-1.0 mg/L) ,the equipment size was smaller and adsorption capacity of the adsorbent for fluorine was higher. Activated alumina containing fluoride could be washed using NaOH solution and water. The high-concentration fluoride or aluminum eluent could be disposed by the process of preciputation using lime milk-adjustment pH using sulfuric acid. The process could continuous operation and ensure environment requirement. In addition, the design drawing based on treatment capacity of fixed bed unit or close-grained moving bed adsorption tower and its regeneration tower was also provided.
出处 《湿法冶金》 CAS 北大核心 2013年第1期50-54,共5页 Hydrometallurgy of China
关键词 饮用水 除氟 活性氧化铝 固定床 密实移动床 废水处理 drinking water remove fluorine activated alumina fixed bed close-grained moving bed waste water treatment
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