
通用大气辐射传输软件(CART)分子吸收和热辐射计算精度验证 被引量:14

Validation of the precision of atmospheric molecular absorption and thermal radiance calculated by combined atmospheric radiative transfer(CART) code
摘要 为检验通用大气辐射传输软件CART分子吸收和热辐射的计算精度,利用精确的逐线积分法(LBLRTM)和广泛使用的中分辨率大气传输模式(MODTRAN4.0),就CART软件计算的晴空大气分子吸收透过率和热辐射进行对比验证。模拟了水平距离、观测天顶角和观测点高度对光电工程各观测波段内平均大气透过率和积分辐射的影响特性。结果表明:CART软件分子吸收的计算精度优于MODTRAN4.0软件,大气热辐射的计算精度和MODTRAN4.0相当。 To validate the precision of atmospheric molecular absorption and thermal radiance calculated by combined atmospheric radiative transfer (CART) code, using the accurate line-by-line atmospheric transfer model (LBLRTM) and moderate resolution atmospheric transmission (MODTRAN4.0), the atmospheric molecular absorption spectral transmittance and infrared spectral radiance calculated by these codes were comparied under clear-sky conditions. Then the horizontal path lengths, observation zenith angles and observation altitudes impacting on average atmospheric transmittance and integrated infrared radiance in several spectral bands were simulated on electro-optical engineering region. The results show that the precision of atmospheric molecular absorption calculated by CART is better than MODTRAN4.0, and calculation precision of the atmospheric thermal radiation is equivalent to MODTRAN4.0.
出处 《红外与激光工程》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2013年第1期174-180,共7页 Infrared and Laser Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金(F050407) 国家"863"计划
关键词 CART 大气分子吸收 热辐射 计算精度 CART atmospheric molecular absorption thermal radiance calculating precision
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