为了比较福建漳江口红树林和盐沼湿地不同植物生境的大型底栖动物次级生产力,依据《海洋监测规范》(GB17378—2007)的定量框采样法,采用孔径为0.5mm的网筛,于2010年1,4,7和10月在漳江口红树林和盐沼湿地4种植物生境定量采集,获得大型底栖动物物种数、栖息密度和生物量数据,运用Brey的经验公式计算不同植物生境的大型底栖动物次级生产力.结果表明:4种植物生境的大型底栖动物年平均次级生产力为4.77g/(m2.a),其中白骨壤(Avi-cennia marina)生境大型底栖动物的年平均次级生产力最高,为7.44g/(m2.a),其次是互花米草(Spartina alterniflo-ra)、秋茄(Kandelia candel)和桐花树(Aegiceras corniculatum)生境,分别为4.30,3.94和3.40g/(m2.a).互花米草生境大型底栖动物的P/B值,是4种生境中最高的,为1.84,其次是桐花树、秋茄和白骨壤生境,分别为1.14,1.00和0.89.互花米草生境大型底栖动物的P/B值高是因为其栖息密度以个体较小的寡毛类占优势,占大型底栖动物栖息密度的85.30%,且小个体的多毛类,如小头虫(Capitella capitata)和刚鳃虫(Chaetozone setosa)比例高,分别占多毛类栖息密度的52.7%和24.9%.个体较小、生命史较短的种类P/B值较高.
In order to compare the different botanic biotopes in mangrove and salt marsh of Zhangjiang River estuary,Fujian,Brey′s empirical formula was used to calculate the secondary production of macrofauna based on the macrofaunal data,including species number,density and biomass,which were sampled in four seasons in 2010 following the standards of the Specification for Marine Monitoring (GB 17378—2007).The result showed that the mean annual secondary production of macrofauna in 4 biotopes was 477 g/(m2·a).The secondary production of macrofauna was highest at Avicennia marina biotope (744 g/(m2·a)),second highest at Spartina alterniflora biotope (430 g/(m2·a)),third highest at Kandelia candel biotope (394 g/(m2·a)),and lowest at Aegiceras corniculatum biotope (340 g/(m2·a)).The P/B ratio of macrofauna community was highest at Spartina alterniflora biotope (184),second highest at Aegiceras corniculatum biotope (114),third highest at Kandelia candel biotope (100),and lowest at Avicennia marina biotope (089).Spartina alterniflora biotope had the highest P/B ratio because of the high percentage of oligochaeta (8530%),which was small in individual size.In addition,the percentages of small-sized polychaetes such as Capitella capitata and Chaetozone setosa were high as well.Those species which are small in individual size and short in live history have higher P/B ratios.
Journal of Xiamen University:Natural Science