
面向电子商务领域的学术期刊计量研究 被引量:4

An Quantitative Study on Scholarship Journals for the Field of E-commerce
摘要 针对当前电子商务学术文献发表分散,电子商务学科缺乏学术界公认的核心期刊这一现状,论文通过对现有核心期刊确定方法的研究,应用层次分析法,从期刊贡献、期刊影响力以及期刊质量3个角度出发,对中国知网数据库中以电子商务为主题检索出符合条件的9种CSSCI来源期刊以及5种中文核心期刊进行了评价,最终确定了《情报杂志》、《图书情报工作》以及《情报科学》为电子商务核心期刊。论文研究结果对于构建电子商务核心期刊体系,提高电子商务期刊的质量以及利用价值具有重要的意义。 In connection with status quo that E-commerce science literatures public dispersedly and E-commerce discipline short of core journal generally accepted in academia,the paper analyzed the existing methods for determining E-commerce core journals and choose AHP as the determination method,then evaluated 9 CSSCI source journals and 5 Chinese core journals searching from CNKI whose topic was E-commerce based on perspective of journals contribution,journal influence and journal quality,and determine Journal of Information,Library and Information Service,Information Science as the E-commerce core journals.The result had important significance on building E-commerce core journal system and improves the value and the quality of E-commerce journals.
出处 《现代情报》 CSSCI 2013年第3期98-102,共5页 Journal of Modern Information
关键词 电子商务 学术期刊 层次分析法 e-commerce scholarship journal AHP
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