从江西、湖北、河南、北京和黑龙江共采取 18种耕层土壤 ,用玉米和水稻分别进行盆栽试验。选用 6种化学提取剂提取土壤有效硫 ,所提取的硫采用比浊法 (T)和电感耦合高频等离子体原子发射光谱法 (ICP AES)测定。另外采用阴离子交换树脂膜法和与土壤有机质有关的土壤有效硫评价方法。结果表明 ,各种提取剂不仅能提取土壤无机硫 ,还能把部分有机硫提取出来。NaHCO3提取的有机硫最多 ,其次为KCl- 4 0℃ ,而CaCl2 、Ca(H2 PO4 ) 2 、KH2 PO4 和Kelowna试剂提取的有机硫相当。在酸性土壤上 ,磷酸盐比氯化物提取出更多的有效硫。不同土壤有效硫指标与植物吸硫量和相对产量相关分析表明 ,Ca(H2 PO4 ) 2 T是目前最理想和实用的方法。田间试验表明 ,施用硫肥对小麦、玉米、大豆、油菜和水稻都具有不同程度的增产作用。在相对产量为 90 %时 ,用Ca(H2 PO4 ) 2 T测定的旱地和水田土壤有效硫临界指标分别为 2 1 1mg·kg- 1和 2 3 8mg·kg- 1。
The methods and critical levels for assessing soil available S were investigated using correlation studies by pot experiments and calibration studies by field trials. In pot experiments,6 chemical extractants were selected to extract soil available S and determine S in the solution by ICP?AES and terbidimetric methods(T),respectively,for evaluation of soil available S with 18 soils by comparing the relationship between soil S test value and the total S uptake or relative dry matter yield of corn and rice. Results indicated that all extractants could extracted organic S and 0 5mol·L -1 NaHCO 3 extracted the most. Phosphate solution could extracted more available S than chloride solution in acid soils. Soil available sulfur extracted by 0 01mol·L -1 Ca(H 2PO 4) 2solution and determined by terbidimetric method was found to be correlated well with corn and rice responses,and confirmed the superiority to other indices. In field trials,sulfur fertilizers could increase crops yield,such as winter wheat,corn,soybean,oil seed rape and rice. The critical levels of 90% relative grain yield by 0 01mol·L -1 Ca(H 2PO 4) 2?T were 21 1mg·kg -1 and 23 8mg·kg -1 for upland soils and paddy fields,respectively.
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Fertilizers
available sulphur
test method
critical lev