介绍了功率循环试验数据的威布尔分析方法,分析了现有的典型模块寿命模型,论述了寿命预测的方法:将任务曲线转化成温度曲线,利用雨流计数法,根据线性疲劳损伤积累理论和寿命模型计算功率循环寿命。最后,预测了应用于HXD1C电力机车的株洲南车时代电气股份有限公司3300V/1200A IGBT模块的功率循环寿命。
The Weibull methodology for power cycling test data and some reported typical lifetime models were firstly discussed. Then, lifetime prediction procedures were presented including the conversion of mission profile to temperature profile, the temperature cycles counting by Rainflow algorithm, and lifetime calculating based on the fatigue linear accumulation damage theory and lifetime models. Lastly, as an example, power cycling lifetime of 3 300 V/1 200 A IGBT modules manufactured by Zhuzhou CSR Times Electric Co., Ltd., subjected to the application of HXDI C locomotive was predicted.
Electric Drive for Locomotives