The possibility of underground imbalance between heat emission and absorption has a negative impact on the performance of ground-source heat pump systems (GSHPs). Numerical and experimental researches were made in a residential building, which is supplied with a GSHP system and a ceiling radiation system combined with a replacement fresh air system. EnergyPlus simulations were used to estimate heating and cooling loads, and to assess the heat generated from the water pump, the fan and the heat pump unit. Then, Fluent simulations were used to compare three different control strategies of handling the underground heat exchange. These simulations were strongly based on an experimentally verified model. It is obtained that a ratio between cooling and heating loads is 5.08 : 1 in a case study in Nanjing. Moreover, the control strategy based on the starting time is more efficient and reliable than the temperature and temperature difference strategies to control the underground heat exchange.
冬夏季取热散热不等导致的地下热环境的不平衡严重影响了土壤源热泵系统(GSHP)的性能.以某居住建筑为对象,采用数值模拟结合实验验证的方法,对建筑内采用的天棚辐射末端和置换新风系统进行研究,该空调系统的冷热源采用土壤源热泵.考虑循环水泵、风机、热泵机组运行中向地下排出的产热量,采用Energy Plus模拟软件对建筑物进行能耗模拟,获得地下取热散热量及其比值.利用这一取热散热量,采用Fluent模拟软件建立系统模型,模型经实验验证后,研究3种典型控制策略下的地下热交换规律.得到南京地区地下每年的制冷负荷和供热负荷比为5.08∶1,并研究指出与温度和温度差控制策略相比,定时开启策略具有更好的效能和可靠性.