应用动物模型BLUP法估计了阿尔巴斯白绒山羊种羊场1989~1998年共10个年度3 981只个体的抓绒量和体重的单性状育种值,以及这两个性状的综合育种值。在模型中考虑的固定效应有年龄效应和性别柸禾鍠年度效应、随机效应有个体的加性效应和个体永久性环境效应。比较育种值选择与表型值选择的结果表明:(1)公羔依据断乳重选择与依据育种值选择的结果差异较大;(2)育成母羊依据表型值选择与依据综合育种值选择的结果差异极显著(P<0.01);(3)育成公羊依据表型值选择与依据综合育种值选择的结果差异极显著(P<0.01);(4)种公羊依据抓绒量和体重的表型值选择结果分别与依据各自性状育种值选择结果的秩相关均未达到显著水平(P>0.05)。研究表明:内蒙古白绒山羊应用个体表型值选种存在准确性较差的缺点;动物模型BLUP法适合用于内蒙古白绒山羊的选种。并根据生产实际情况提出了一套选择种公羊的具体方法。
In this study, single trait animal model of best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) procedures was used to obtain estimates of 3 981 Inner Mongolia cashmere goats’ breeding value for body weight and cashmere yield. The data were collected during 1989~1998 at Arbas cashmere goats farm, Etuoke banner, Inner Mongolia. Multiple traits of BLUP were used to get estimates of total breeding values (TBV) of all goats. The model included age and sex-herd-year as fixed effects, and individual additive effect and individual permanent environment as random effects. The selection based on breeding value and phenotypic value was compared. The results showed as following: (1) There was a large difference between weaning weight selection and TBV selection of ram lamb; (2) The difference between phenotypic selection and TBV selection of gimmer hogg reached a significant level (P<0.01); (3) The difference between phenotypic selection and TBV selection of ram hogg reached a significant level (P<0.01); (4) Rank correlation between body weight selection and body weight’ EBV selection and that between cashmere yield selection and cashmere yield’ EBV selection were not significant (P>0.05). The study concluded precision of individual phenotypic selection was low and animal model BLUP was suitable to select Inner Mongolia cashmere goats. At last, this study gave a series of methods of selecting sires based on objective reality.