
考虑网络安全约束的实时风电消纳能力评估 被引量:61

Capability Evaluation of Wind Power Accommodation Considering Security Constraints of Power Grid in Real-time Dispatch
摘要 风电的不确定性对电力系统的安全稳定运行构成挑战。电力网络具备引导风电在更大空间上进行消纳的潜力,其影响在系统实时运行中更为凸显。考虑节点电压与线路潮流约束,兼顾系统及节点消纳能力,分析了不同节点消纳能力的耦合关系;以辅助实时调度为出发点,提出了考虑网络安全约束的实时调度中风电消纳能力的评估方法。该方法将网络安全约束转化为节点出力约束,以当前运行点为起点,针对实时调度的具体时段,既评估了全系统消纳风电的能力,又着重分析了不同节点的消纳能力。以IEEE 39节点系统为例,分析验证了该方法的有效性。 As a kind of intermittent power source, wind power makes power systems be confronted with challenges on operation security and stability. The power grid has potential to guide the accommodation of wind power in a wider geographical region, especially in real-time dispatch. The thesis considered constraints of branch power flow and node voltage, took into accounts capability of wind power accommodation (CWPA) of the system and nodes, analyzed the relation among the CWPAs of different nodes, and supported real-time dispatch. An evaluation method of CWPA in real-time dispatch considering security constraints of power grid was proposed, which aims at a certain period in real-time dispatch and evaluates CWPAs of the system and different nodes. Example analysis of IEEE 39-bus test system verified the effectiveness of the proposed evaluation method.
出处 《中国电机工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2013年第16期23-29,22,共7页 Proceedings of the CSEE
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)(2011AA05A101)~~
关键词 电力系统 风电消纳能力 网络安全约束 实时调度 power systems capability of wind power accommodation security constraints of power grid real-time dispatch
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