A GeXP based multiplex PCR assay was developed to simultaneously detect six different chicken respiratory viruses including HS, HT, H9 subtypes of avian influenza virus(AIV), new castle disease virus (NDV), infectious bronchitis virus(IBV) and infectious laryngotracheitis virus(ILTV). According to theconserved sequences of genes of each pathogen, se tion conditions w gle and mixed inf ere optimized. The specificity an ections of virus. The sensitivity dilutions of cloned plasmids. To further evaluate by GeXP. The corresponding specific fragments o yen pairs of specific primers were designed, and the r d accuracy of GeXP were examined using samples of was evaluated bY performing the assay on serial 10- the reliability, thirty-four clinical samples were dete f genes were amplified. The detection limit of GeXP eac- sin- fold cted was102 copies/μL when all of 7 pre-mixed plasmids containing target genes of six chicken respiratory viruses were present. In the detection of thirty-four clinical samples, the results of GeXP were accorded with the viral isolation completely. In conclusion, this GeXP assay is a rapid, specific, sensitive and high-through- put method for the detection of chicken respiratory virus infections. It can be applied in rapid differential diagnosis for clinical samples, and also provide an effective tool to prevent and control chicken respiratory diseases with similar clinical symptoms
Chinese Journal of Virology