

Energy Levels of Hydrogenic Impurities in Quantum Ring with Parabolic Potential of Finite Depth
摘要 在有效质量近似下,用微扰法研究InAs量子环内类氢杂质基态及低激发态的能级.受限势采用有限深抛物型势,在二维平面极坐标下,用薛定谔方程的解析解计算.数值结果显示:在抛物势平台区,类氢杂质能级不随电子径向坐标改变,并具有二维氢原子能级的特征;在有限深抛物势区,电子能级敏感地依赖于量子环半径,能级存在极小值,这是由于限制势采用抛物势的结果.如果减小环的半径,可以增加能级间距;简并能级发生分裂并且间距随半径增大而增大,第一激发态的简并没有消除,第二激发态的简并被部分地消除.本文结果对研究量子环的光跃迁及光谱结构有指导意义. Energy levels of ground state and low-lying excited states of hydrogenic impurities in InAs quantum rings are investigated with effective mass approximation and perturbation method.It shows that energy levels of electron do not change with electronic radial coordinate.They have characteristics of two-dimensional hydrogen atom energy levels in parabolic potential platform area.Energy levels of electron are sensitively dependent on radius of the quantum ring.There exist a minimum on account of parabolic confinement potential in area of parabolic potential with finite depth.Degenerate energy levels of the first excited state for hydrogenic impurities are not relieved.As n≥2 degenerate energy levels are split and energy spacings increase with increase of the radius.
出处 《计算物理》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期463-468,共6页 Chinese Journal of Computational Physics
基金 国家自然科学基金(60521001) 河北省教育厅自然科学研究指导项目(Z2010145) 承德市财政局教育局基金(201112)资助项目
关键词 有效质量 简并微扰法 量子环 effective mass degenerate perturbation method quantum ring
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