
车路协同下道路交叉口信号控制优化方法 被引量:30

An Optimization Method of Traffic Signal Control Based on Cooperative Vehicle Infrastructure System
摘要 车路协同系统能实时获取车辆个体的运行状态信息,并能通过速度引导实现车辆与交通控制系统之间的动态交互,为交通信号控制提供了新的数据源和技术手段.分析了现有车路协同下交通信号控制方法存在的不足,引入基于时间窗的滚动预测方法,提出了改进的交叉口信号控制优化流程;将相位饱和度作为表征信号控制效果的指标,在考虑速度引导对车辆运行状态影响基础上,建立了车路协同环境下道路交叉口信号控制优化方法和模型.运用VISSIM软件进行了仿真实验,结果表明,本文方法优于感应控制方法,在各种交通流量下均能有效降低交叉口平均延误和停车次数. The cooperative vehicle infrastructure system(CVIS) is used to monitor individual vehicles real-time status,which provides new data source and technical supports for traffic signal control.The shortcomings of the existing traffic signal control methods are analyzed,and an improved optimization procedure for road intersection signal control is presented based on the CVIS using the rolling time-window forecasting.The saturation degree is selected to be the indicator of signaling control effect,and the optimizing method and models for signal control are developed,considering the influence of speed guidance to individual vehicles.Simulation experiments are conducted using VISSIM.The results indicate that the proposed method is more effective than the induced control method.The average delay and stops decrease are significant under both low and high traffic demands.
出处 《交通运输系统工程与信息》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期40-45,共6页 Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51108361) 浙江省交通运输厅科技计划项目(2012T21) 同济大学道路与交通工程教育部重点实验室开放基金项目(201106)
关键词 智能交通 车路协同系统 交通信号控制 道路交叉口 速度引导 相位饱和度 intelligent transportation cooperative vehicle infrastructure system traffic signal control intersection speed guidance saturation degree
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