
男性不育患者数量皮纹学特征及其波动性不对称 被引量:3

Quantitative dermatoglyphics and fluctuating asynnnetry in males with infertility
摘要 目的:研究数量皮纹学特征及其波动性不对称参数在男性不育患者中的分布特征。方法:随机分析男性不育患者102例和有正常生育史男性156例指纹及掌纹多项指标,并分析其中12项波动性不对称参数。结果:男性不育患者组与正常对照组4种指纹类型出现率差异均无统计学意义;男性不育患者组a-b指纹嵴线数及a-b间距值低于正常对照组;男性不育患者组通贯掌的出现率高于对照组;男性不育患者组与正常对照组在波动性不对称V项有差异,表现为患者组明显增高。结论:男性不育患者掌纹指标变异明显,较高的波动性不对称V水平提示男性不育患者在胚胎发育早期可能易受到环境因素影响,具有较高的发育不稳定性。 Objective: To investigate the characteristics of quantitative dermatoglyphics parameters and the fluctuating asymmetry (FA) of dermatoglyphie count in males with infertility from Ningxia, China. Methods: The sampling was conducted among 102 male infertility and 156 controls who had a normal child-bearing history. Then their finger and palm dermatoglyphic counts and 12 FA counts were analyzed. Results: (1)There was no significant difference in 4 different fingerprint patterns between the infertility males and normal controls. (2) There was a significant difference in a-b ridge count and a-b distance between the infertility males and normal controls. (3) The infertility males had a significantly higher frequency of simian line than did the normal controls. (4) The infertility males had significantly higher FA than did the normal controls. Conclusion: Infertility males have abnormal palm dermatoglyphics and high FAV, which indicates that during the course of fetal development, the male infertility fetus is much more sensitized to a variety of external environment and has higher developmental instability than does the female.
出处 《解剖学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期380-383,共4页 Chinese Journal of Anatomy
基金 国家自然科学基金(30960154) 宁夏医科大学“博士学位建设学科”开放课题(KF2010-24)
关键词 男性不育 数量皮纹学 波动性不对称 发育稳态 male infertility quantitative dermatoglyphics fluctuating asymmetry developmental stability
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