
中高级汉语学习者的文化适应性实证研究 被引量:2

Empirical Study on the Acculturation of the Intermediate and Advanced Chinese Language Learners
摘要 受到所属文化群体及汉语水平的影响,中高级汉语学习者的汉文化适应性呈现出复杂、变化的特征:高年级学生对在华生活的整体适应性略差于中级学生;欧美中高级学生对主流汉文化观念的适应性要弱于同水平亚洲学生;随着语言水平的提高,欧美学生对汉文化观念的适应趋势呈"倒U形",日本和韩国学生的适应趋势则呈"U形"态势等。因此,应根据留学生的文化适应性特征来展开有针对性的汉语教学,并围绕核心文化观念来设计教学内容,开展案例教学,增加留学生与中国学生交流、探讨的机会,以降低学生的不适应程度,从而提高学生的跨文化交际水平。 Due to the deep influence of cultural background and different levels of Chinese, the acculturation of intermediate and advanced Chinese language learners is complex and variable. The general acculturation of advanced Chinese learners is weaker than that of intermediate students, and students from western countries have more troubles in understanding the mainstream Chinese values than Asian students do. With the improvement of Chinese levels, the acculturation of western students displays an inverted U trend, and that of Japanese and Korean students emerges as a U shape. In consideration of the importance of acculturation, a pertinent Chinese teaching system should be designed. For instance, textbooks with the major Chinese values shall be compiled to provide students with more cultural cases and chances to communicate with Chinese.
出处 《西南交通大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2013年第4期29-34,72,共7页 Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University(Social Sciences)
基金 四川大学青年教师科研启动基金项目(09QN047)
关键词 二语习得 对外汉语教学 汉语学习者 跨文化适应性 Second Language Acquisition (SLA) Teaching Chinese as a Second Language Chinese language learners acculturation
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