

Investigation on the Need and Allocation Efficiency of Preschool Education Resources in Rural Areas:Taking Guocun in Henan as an Example
摘要 本研究以河南省郭村为个案,以田野调查的方式对农村学前教育资源的需求和配置效率进行了调查。研究发现,农村家庭迫切需要令人满意且支付得起的学前教育。政府现有教育投入、社会新增的教育资源和外部现有的教育资源使用效率都不高。以致农村学前教育资源配置并存着稀缺与浪费两种现象。研究者据此建议,要基于农村家庭对学前教育的需求,提高学前教育资源的配置效率,包括继续加大投入,加强对社会力量办学的指导与监督.优化资源配置方式,等等。 This research, taking the village named Guocun in Henan as an example, adopts fieldwork to investigate the need and resources allocation efficiency in rural areas in preschool education. It finds out that the rural families urgently need satisfactory and affordable preschool education, and also the efficiency of allocated resources is not high, which includes the original government investment, social new education resourcesand external educational resources. This low efficiency results in both scarcity and waste of the current rural preschool education resource allocation. This study suggests efficiency of preschool education resource allocation need to be increased according to the needs of rural households to preschool education resources; investment should be increased continuously; the guidance and supervision should be strengthened; and the allocation of resources optimized.
出处 《幼儿教育(教育科学)》 2013年第7期41-44,共4页 Early Childhood Education(Educational Sciences)
基金 2012年度教育部人文社会科学基金项目“经济发展中的我国学前教育资源配置效率研究”的研究成果之一,课题批准号:12YJC880020
关键词 农村 学前教育资源 需求 配置效率 rural areas preschool education resources need allocation efficiency
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