
积极完善以可持续发展为导向的教育政策——基于世界自然基金会报告的分析与建议 被引量:1

Suggestions on the Improvement of Sustainable Development-Oriented Educational Policy:Based on an Analysis of Learning Sustainable Ways Released by WWF
摘要 本文对世界自然基金会《学习可持续的方法》报告的背景、核心观点和政策动向进行了分析,建议我国要积极构建以可持续发展为导向的教育政策,推进国家教育政策的顶层设计,发布《我国大中小学可持续发展教育指导纲要》;以完善教学大纲为主线,把可持续发展问题有效嵌入各阶段教育的课程之中;支持广大中小学推进可持续发展教育实验,开启一个新的学习时代;修改完善《高等教育法》,从法规层面要求高等院校和科研机构增强自身的社会责任感;加强国际交流与合作,巩固我国作为全球可持续发展教育"相对优势国家"的地位。 This paper analyzes the background, key viewpoints and policy trends of Learning Sustainable Ways published by World Wide Fund for Nature and puts forward several suggestions as follows: Firstly, China need to formulate sustainable development-oriented educational policy, enhance the top-level design of national educational policies, and issue Guidelines for Sustainable Development of China's Primary, Secondary and Higher Education. Secondly, the content of sustainable development needs to be imbedded into courses at all levels by taking teaching outline's improvement as the clue. Thirdly, primary and secondary schools need to be encouraged to take tentative steps on sustainable development-oriented education. Fourthly, the Law of Higher Education needs to be revised so as to enhance universities and research institutions" sense of social responsibility. Finally, international exchanges and cooperation need to be promoted in a bid to consolidate China's status as a globally competitive state in sustainable development-oriented education.
作者 谢春风
出处 《复旦教育论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第4期53-57,共5页 Fudan Education Forum
关键词 可持续发展 教育政策 世界自然基金会 Sustainable Development Educational Policy World Wide Fund for Nature
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  • 1世界自然基金会.wwF简介[EB/OL].[2013-05--02].http://www.wwfchina.org/aboutwwf/history/index.shtm.
  • 2Germund Sellgren. Learning Sustainable Ways[G]. Ulriksdals Slott, Stockholm: WWF Sweden, 2010.
  • 3世界自然基金会.学习可持续的方法[G].谢春风,谢嘉欣,翻译,卢致安,审校.北京:北京科学技术出版社,2012.
  • 4马海燕.中国可持续发展教育项目获联合国文晖奖[EB/OL].(2012-12-19)[2013-05-02].http://www.chinanews.com/edu/2012/12-19/4422370.shtml.


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