
一种基于路网数据的LRP并行求解算法 被引量:3

A Parallel Algorithm for Location-Routing Problem Based on Road Network Data
摘要 选址-配送问题(LRP)涉及配送中心选址与配送路径选择,是现代物流系统的核心问题,也是复杂度高的NP-hard问题。该文针对路网数据的稳定性,使用GIS网络分析算法对路网数据进行预处理,并完成静态的配送中心选址,对于动态变化的配送任务,使用并行遗传算法(pGA)解决LRP问题。实验证明该算法处理中等规模的配送任务可以将时间控制在数秒,大大提升了物流配送系统的实用性和时效性。 Logistics plays an important role in morden companies, especially in the fast developing E-commerce industry. Under this backgroud, in the past few decades there sprung up a lot of research and practical explorations. In order to achieve the practical use of the logistics systems, considering the geospatial dependence of logistics, this article brings real road network data in- to logistics system, tries to combine classical Geographic Information System (GIS) network analysis algorithms and Genetic Algorithm(GA) to solve the Location-Routing Problem(LRP), which is the key problem in logistics. This article mainly ex- plains the pretreat process of the road network data with GIS network analysis algorithms and the method to solve the LRP with parallel Genetic Algorithm (pGA). The experiments show that the method mentioned above greatly improved the practicality of the logisties system, the efficiency and accuracy of the system can both be improved by parallel computing.
出处 《地理与地理信息科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期13-16,34,F0002,共6页 Geography and Geo-Information Science
基金 国家863计划项目子课题(2011AA120302)
关键词 选址-配送问题(LRP) 并行遗传算法(pGA) GIS网络分析算法 Location-Routing Problem(LRP) parallel Genetic Algorithm(pGA) GIS network analysis algorithms
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