
绿色建筑采光模拟软件的适用性分析与计算精度验证 被引量:6

Applicability Analysis and Calculation Accuracy Verification of Daylighting Simulation Software for Green Building
摘要 建筑采光模拟软件对绿色建筑设计有不可或缺的作用。文章首先阐述了建筑采光模拟软件的种类及特性,然后对4款采光软件的适用性进行分析,最后选取3款适用性较强的软件,通过实测与模拟对比的方法验证了软件的计算精度。 Architecture daylighting simulation software have an important role for green building design.This paper describes the types and characteristics of the architecture daylighting simulation software.Then analyzes the applicability of 4 software,and verifies the calculation accuracy of 3 software by comparison of measured and simulation.
出处 《生态经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第8期101-104,共4页 Ecological Economy
基金 国家科技支撑计划项目(2012BAJ06B05-01) 济南大学教学研究项目(J1238)
关键词 绿色建筑 建筑采光 模拟软件 适用性 计算精度 green building architecture daylighting simulation software applicability calculation accuracy
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