Multi-converter approach based on the series and parallel connection topology of modular power converters has been proposed to realize higher power density DC-DC converter. The availability of the proposed approach has been verified through the design consideration and the experiment. The design consideration for two DC-DC converters has been carried out by utilizing the power converter exact loss simulator, and the design parameters to maximize their power densities have been extracted taking the trade-off between the conversion efficiency and the power density into account. The prototypes of a 2,400 W, 256-384 V boost chopper using SiC-MOSFETs and a 300 W, 32-48 V GaN-FETs boost chopper have been also developed based on the design. The SiC chopper achieved the efficiency of 97.8% and the power density of 12,8 W/cm3, and the GaN chopper accomplished 98.9% and 18.6 W/cm3 in the experiment. These results show the validity of the design and the availability of the proposed approach. The multi-converter approach enables the cost reduction of the modular power converters, and contributes to realizing the widespread use of power electronics converters in the future 380 V DC distribution system.