

Comparative Study of ATR72 and “DASH” 8-Q400
摘要 对ATR72和"冲锋"8-Q400的设计特点、性能及销量等进行了分析对比,探讨了其中的原因。研究表明,该两型飞机都非常重视飞机的燃油经济性、环保性以及乘坐舒适性;但由于运营市场的定位不同,两型飞机在性能、销量等方面有着较大差别。 ATR72 and "DASH"8-Q400 are the main 70-seated regional turboprop airliners abroad at present, which account for the major market share; comparative analysis of their design features, performance and sales are made, as well as reasons are discussed. The result shows that in design of both ATR72 and "DASH"8-Q400, great importance has been given to the fuel economy, environmental protection and travelling comfort; however, due to the positioning of different operating markets, both aircrafts have obvious differences in performance, sales, etc.
作者 宋佳 李权
出处 《航空科学技术》 2013年第4期22-25,共4页 Aeronautical Science & Technology
关键词 涡桨支线飞机 ATR72 “冲锋”8-Q400 regional turboprop airliner ATR72 "DASH" 8-Q400
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