
基于社会网络分析的智能手机专利发明人合作网络演化研究 被引量:17

The Evolution of Inventor Networks of the Smart Phone Patents Based on the Social Network Analysis
摘要 首先利用社会网络分析法对智能手机专利发明人合作网络进行总体演化分析,继而按初始期、成长期、繁荣期的划分对该合作网络的特征进行分阶段分析,进一步定位智能手机核心发明人和核心发明人团队。研究显示,智能手机发明人合作网络呈现小世界效应、规模不断扩大、合作日益紧密和团体性凸显等特征,业已形成三种类型的核心发明人团队。 This paper first researches into the overall evolution of inventor networks of the smart phone patents based on the social network analysis, then it carries on stage analysis of detailed evolution characteristics of such inventor networks in terms of emerging stage, growing stage and maturing stage. It furthermore identifies the core inventors and core inventor groups of the smart phone patents. It has been found out that inventor networks of the smart phone patents bear characteris-tics of small world effect, increasing team size, the intensity of collaboration and network structures of higher connectivity a-mong inventors.
作者 李红 陈少龙
出处 《科技管理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第20期157-160,165,共5页 Science and Technology Management Research
关键词 社会网络分析 智能手机专利 发明人合作网络 演化 social network analysis smart phone/iphone patents inventor collaboration networks evolution
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