Brachiocephalic trunk and left brachiocephalic vein injuries following penetrating right sternoclavicular junction trauma: a case report
Brachiocephalic trunk and left brachiocephalic vein injuries following penetrating right sternoclavicular junction trauma: a case report
A 46-year-old male sustained severe pe- netrating injury by a sharp instrument to his right upper sternoclavicular junction. The wound tract was from su- prasternal notch to mediastinum. Exploratory operation via median sternotomy under general anesthesia found a large mediastinal septum hematoncus, as well as brachiocephalic trunk and left brachiocephalic vein injuries. The perforating vascular wounds were repaired with 5-0 prolene suture. He was recovered uneventfully and discharged 9 days after operation. There was no sequel found during 7 years fol- low-up.
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