
Influence Factors of Urban Sustainable Development of Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region——with a Case of Urumqi 被引量:2

摘要 Urban sustainable development is under influence of social, economic and environmental factors. Xinjiang is in a new cross-domain development stage, and the research on urban sustainable development in Xinjiang wil be an important contribu-tion to sustainable development in western China. In this paper, with the district of Urumqi city as the study area, environmental indicators in 2011 economic society were col ected to establish an index system of factors affecting the sustainable de-velopment, and to make analysis and comprehensive evaluation on the influence factors, proposing suggestions and countermeasures of sustainable development in districts or counties in Urumqi County as per quantitative and qualitative analysis methods. 城市可持续发展受社会、经济和环境多重因素共同影响,新疆正处于跨域式发展新时期,对新疆城市可持续发展研究将对西部城市可持续发展起到重要作用。本文以乌鲁木齐市各县区为研究区,整理搜集2011年社会经济环境指标,建立可持续发展影响因素指标体系,运用定量与定性相结合分析方法,对影响因素进行分析和综合评判,并针对乌鲁木齐市区县提出城市可持续发展对策建议。
出处 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第11期1674-1678,1682,共5页 农业科学与技术(英文版)
关键词 Urban sustainable development Influencing factors URUMQI 城市可持续发展 影响因素 乌鲁木齐市
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