With the in-situ temperature and salinity observations taken seasonally in the Northern Yellow Sea area during the National 908 Water Investigation and Research Project from 2006 to 2007, the characteristics of the Northern Yellow Sea cold water mass (NYSCWM) were studied, including both its spatial pattern over the whole bottom and historically typical section from Dalian to Chengshantou. Seasonal evolution as well as its spatial distribution was analyzed to further understand the NYSCWM, as a result, some new features about the NYSCWM had been found. Compared to the previous studies, the center of colder water mass in summer moved eastward, but sharing the similar peak values for both temperature and salinity with historical data. In spring, the axis of 32.8 psu saltier moves westward approximately 75 km and the high salinity areas beyond 123.5° E were largely impaired comparing to that in winter. In winter, the NYSCWM almost disappeared due to the reinforced wind-induced mixing and the Yellow Sea Warm Currents (YSWC) moved northward and controlled most of the Northern Yellow Sea region. In autumn, two cold centers with the peak value of 9℃ were found inside the attenuated NYSCWM.
基于2006至2007年"908"项目执行期间春夏秋冬共四个航次的CTD温盐数据,针对四个季节底层大面及大连-成山头断面温度和盐度的分布特征,分析了北黄海冷水团的季节变化,初步探讨了其消长过程,并与历史资料相比较,发现了关于北黄海冷水团的新问题。研究表明:夏季,北黄海冷水团温度和盐度与历史资料相比,低温中心位置存在东偏,但低温中心温度和盐度变化不大。春季,32.8 psu高盐水舌主轴位置较冬季偏西约75 km,123.5°E以东的原冬季盐度高值区的范围向北延伸的势力大减,退化为较弱的小高盐水舌冬。冬季,北黄海冷水团已经消失,黄海暖流呈舌状向北延伸。秋季,减弱的北黄海冷水团存在两个中心温度约9°C的低温中心。