伴随着各种复杂的无线环境,LTE的站点规划将会成为网络整体质量的重要一环。尤其在VIP和部分特殊区域,针对特定的用户群和无线环境,多配置和特性之间的冲突需要合理规避。文章针对这一情况,分析LTE 4扇区的解决方案,通过合理的分析,提供可行性的方案,并使用仿真软件进行方案的验证。
With all the complicated wireless envi- ronment of LTE, the site planning issue becomes an important part of whole network system quality. Es- pocially in the VIP and some special areas, for spe- cific users and wireless environment, the conflict be- tween different configurations and characteristics needs to be avoided. Based on the above considera- tion, this paper discusses a solution of Four, Sector in LTE. Through the reasonable analysis, this paper provides feasible plans, and certificates the validity of the plan by adopting Atoll simulation software.
Modern Science & Technology of Telecommunications