二化螟(Chilo suppressalis)是危害不同稻作区水稻生产的重要虫害之一,NNI是拜耳作物科学公司研发的最新产品,其与阿维菌素、甲维盐、毒死蜱、丙溴磷等常规产品以不同配比混用防治二化螟。结果表明,24%NNI WG(水分散粒剂)与1.0%甲维盐EC(乳油)、1.8%阿维菌素EC、48%毒死蜱EC及50%丙溴磷EC混用对水稻二化螟具有较好的田间防效,其中24%NNI WG+1.0%甲维盐EC(m∶V,g/mL,3∶1)、24%NNI WG+1.8%阿维菌素EC(m∶V,g/mL,1∶1)、24%NNI WG+48%毒死蜱EC(m∶V,g/mL,1∶10)及24%NNI WG+50%丙溴磷EC(m∶V,g/mL,1∶10)混用后效果明显。
Chilo suppressalis was one of the pests damaging distinctive rice-growing areas. NNI was the latest product developed by Bayer CropScience company. Blending with some routine prevent products such as avermectin, carbaryl salt, chlorpyrifos and profenofos at different proportion, it could be used to and control Chilo suppressalis. The results showed the compound including 24% NNI WG, 1.0% Emamectin EC, 1.8% Avermectin EC, 48% chlorpyrifos EC and 50% profenofos EC had better control effect against Chilo suppressalis. It would be obvious when 24% NNI WG +1.0% Emamectin EC(3∶1), 24% NNI WG+1.8% Emamectin EC(1∶1), 24% NNI WG+48% chlorpyrifos EC(1:10)and 24% NNI WG+50% profenofos EC(1∶10)were blended.
Hubei Agricultural Sciences