
水禽养殖户安全药物添加剂使用意愿及其影响因素! 被引量:8

Water Fowl-breeding Farmers' Willingness to Use Safe Drug Additive and Its Influencing Factors
摘要 采用湖北、安徽、山东、浙江、江苏、河北六省的调研数据,运用Binary Logistic回归模型分析了水禽养殖户对安全药物添加剂的使用意愿及其影响因素。研究表明:是否参加过相关养殖培训、养殖方式、附近是否临近湖/河、养殖年限、家庭人口对养殖户使用意愿有正影响;劳动力数和养殖户参加的经济合作组织情况对养殖户使用意愿有负影响。由此提出了加强养殖户培训、加强新型农业经营主体的培育、积极开发和推广水禽健康养殖模式、加大水禽产业的整顿和扶持的建议。 Based on the investigation data of six pr^vinces(Hubei,Anhui,Shandong,Zhejiang,Jiang_ su, Hebei), this paper uses Binary Logistic regression model to analyze the willingness and influencing factors of waterfowl farmers' using safe drug additives. The result shows that participation in cultivation training or not, breeding methods, a place adjacent to lake or river, breeding years and the number of family members have a positive impact on the willingness of the farmers,while the number of labor and situation that farmers participated in the economic organizations have a negative impact on the willing- ness of the farmers. Therefore, this paper puts forward the following proposals on how to strengthen the training of breeding farmers, strengthen the cultivation of new agricultural business entities, actively de- velop and promote the healthy cultivation mode and strengthen the consolidation and support of the wa- terfowl industry.
出处 《华中农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2014年第2期46-52,共7页 Journal of Huazhong Agricultural University(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 国家现代农业产业技术体系专项经费资助项目"水禽产业技术体系研究"(CARS-43-10B)
关键词 水禽养殖户 安全药物添加剂 使用意愿 BINARY LOGISTIC回归模型 waterfowl-breeding farmers safe drug additive using willingness Binary Logistic regression model
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