结合宁波市杭州湾新区跨十塘横江桥工程实例,介绍了CASIO fx-4850P可编程计算器在钢结构桥梁工程安装测量过程中的应用。由于在现场测量过程中,钢结构节段的上口4个角点并不能完全通视。考虑到CASIO fx-4850P的便携性,特别设计了由上口3个角点推算第4个角点的程序,以便对节段的上口平面有所整体把握。在程序的设计过程中,利用高程系与平面系的独立性,避免列立复杂方程求解,而是将上口角点投影到XOY坐标平面,将问题简化为平面求解问题。
The paper introduces the application of CASIO fx-4850P programmable calculator during the installation' survey ing of steel structure bridge setting out, by taking the engineering example of steel structure bridge in the New District of Hangzhou bay, Ningbo city. As the towers mounts high, there are only 3 of 4 corners can be visible. In order to check the 4th corner's status, a novel way, by using the upper 3 corner points to calculate the 4th one, is introduced in this paper based on CASIO fx-4850P programmable calculator. In the program design process, in consideration of independence of elevation and plane system, establishing and solving complex equations are avoided, and the upper corner points are pro jected to XOY coordinate plane, which is simplifier for solving the problem.
Beijing Surveying and Mapping