
一种基于子图近似同构的e-Learning学习资源本体匹配方法 被引量:1

e-Learning resource ontology matching algorithm based on subgraph approximate isomorphic
摘要 针对e-Learning学习资源本体异构问题,提出一种基于子图近似同构的本体匹配方法。该方法对现有本体匹配方法进行扩展,综合编辑距离、层次关系等特征,计算本体的结构级相似性,以点、边有序交替匹配来判断实体的有向图近似同构问题,实现本体匹配判定。演示算法处理过程,给出算法时间复杂度理论分析,说明其有效性。 Abstract: For the heterogeneity problem among ontologies, this paper presented an algorithm based on sub-graph approximate isomorphic here. It was an extension of existing methods in ontology matching. Under the comprehensive application of features such as edit distance and hierarchical relations, it calculated the similarity of graph structures between two ontologies. Lastly, it determined the ontology matching on the condition of sub-graph approximate isomorphism based on the alternately mapping of nodes and arcs in the describing graphs of ontologies. It used an example to demonstrate this ontology matching process and analyzed the time complexity to explain its effectiveness.
出处 《计算机应用研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第2期417-421,434,共6页 Application Research of Computers
基金 江苏省现代教育技术研究课题(2011-R-18859 2013-R-25582) 全国教育信息技术研究"十二五"规划课题(116230340)
关键词 本体匹配 e—Learning学习资源本体 子图同构 时间复杂性 ontology match e-Learning resource ontology sub-graph isomorphism time complexity
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