一种用于万兆以太网在线安全处理器中的高速数据帧收发器的结构设计.采用基于中断的共享式缓存加分布式缓存的二级缓冲收发机制,实现对万兆以太网数据帧的高效在线收发.通过改进一种调度算法的硬件实现,完成对可变长度数据包的高效调度.利用系统级建模语言systemC对设计进行建模,通过仿真优化分布式缓存FIFO的数量实现丢包率为0.将设计应用到一款万兆在线网络安全处理器中,实验结果表明,时钟频率250 MHz下的数据吞吐率达到10.06Gb/s,丢包率为0,验证了设计性能.通过配置模块中分布式缓存的数量,设计可以应用于下一代40/100Gb/s网络安全处理器中满足更高速信息安全的需求.
This paper deals with a high-speed in-line packet transceiver structure design for the 10 Gb/s Ethernet .By adopting a shared and distributed two-stage buffering mechanism ,the high-speed packet transfer is achieved real-time . The high-efficient scheduling to the changeable length packets is realized by improving hardware implementation of a scheduling algorithm .The packet transceiver is modeled with the aid of systemC at transaction level .By simulating and optimizing the number of the distributed FIFO buffers ,the packet loss rate drop to zero . The design is implemented and simulated at RTL level .To verify the design ,it is used in a 10 Gb/s in-line network security processor and simulated .The simulation shows that the system can achieve 10 .06 Gb/s throughput at the clock rate 250 M Hz without packets loss ,this verified the performance of the design .The design can be used in the next generation 40/100 Gb/s Ethernet to protect the information security through configure the number of the distributed FIFO buffers .
Microelectronics & Computer