
番茄抗黄化曲叶病基因Ty-1的遗传分析与AFLP标记 被引量:1

Genetic analysis and AFLP molecular marker of tomato yellow leaf curl virus gene Ty-1 in tomato
摘要 研究以番茄黄化曲叶病抗病品种"10033"与感病品种"10981"为亲本配制杂交组合,利用P1、P2、F1、F2、BC1P1和BC1P26个世代进行番茄黄化曲叶病抗性基因Ty-1的遗传规律分析。用288对AFLP引物对215株F2代分离群体进行连锁分析。得到4个与番茄黄化曲叶病抗病基因Ty-1连锁的AFLP标记分别是E62M37-D、E51M 44-C、E45M61-E、E40M60-A,与抗病基因Ty-1的连锁遗传距离分别为8.9、17.5、19.6和30.8 cM。 In this study, crosses were made with resistant tomato variety 10033 and susceptible variety 10981 to tomato yellow leaf curl virus disease. Six generation P1, P2, F1, F2, BC1P1 and BC1P2 were used to analyze the genetic of Ty-1. Through AFLP analysis of 215 F2 progenies using 288 AFLP primer combinations. Four AFLP markers linked to the Ty-1 were identified. The genetic distance of E62M37-D, E51M44-C, E45M61-E and E40M60-A were 8.9, 17.5, 19.6 and 30.8 cM, respectively.
出处 《东北农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期34-39,共6页 Journal of Northeast Agricultural University
基金 国家"十二五"支撑计划项目(2012BAD02B02-7) 现代农业产业技术体系专项(CARS-25-A-15)
关键词 番茄黄化曲叶病毒病 Ty-1 遗传分析 AFLP tomato yellow leaf curt virus disease Ty-1 genetic analysis AFLP
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