
老子与柏拉图道德教育思想比较研究 被引量:3

A Comparison of Moral Education Idealogy Between Lao Zi and Plato
摘要 古希腊"三哲"之一柏拉图与中国传统哲学开山鼻祖老子在道德哲学上各有建树。前者从城邦的角度提出道德的来源,并借助神的力量成功地将城邦的德性移植到个体公民,进而制定出发展公民道德的教育蓝图、内涵与方略,最终培养出"内圣外王"式的道德楷模——"哲学王"。后者则以"道"的自然秉性为依据,将自然天赋的德性与个体应然的美德互为观照,以"道无为"为理论依托,指出了无为的"不言之教"对展开与完善道德的重要意义,最终亦成功地塑造出"自然而为"的道德典范——"圣人"。对二者道德哲学的比较研究,目的在于对"轴心时代"东西两大文明的道德源头予以学理上的探源溯流。 Plato, one of the greatest Greek philosophers, and Lao Zi, the founder of traditional Chinese phi- losophy, made their respective contributions to moral philosophy. Plato pointed out the origin of moral in terms of the city-state, successfully transplanted the virtue from city-state to individual citizen with the help of holy power, and established educational blueprint, content and strategy to develop civic morality to cultivate "the king of philos- ophy", a moral example of "being saint and king". Meanwhile, Lao Zi established individual obligatory virtue cor- responding to natural hereditary virtue based on the natural character of "Tao", continued with his theory of "noth- ing-doing Tao" to point out the significance of "non-speaking education" to developing and completing morality, and finally successfully set up the sage, a moral example "following natural law". Thus a comparison of their dif- ferent moral philosophies aims to explore the theoretical origins of Oriental and Occidental civilizations.
出处 《陕西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第2期42-49,共8页 Journal of Shaanxi Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
基金 全国教育科学"十一五"规划项目(BAA090010)
关键词 柏拉图 老子 道德哲学 比较研究 Plato Lao Zi moral philosophy comparative study
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