研究了柑、甜橙、梁平柚皮渣的水、乙醇、正丁醇、乙酸乙酯提取液对活性氧·OH的清除作用。方法 :以·OH清除剂 (甘露醇 )为对照 ,应用Fenton反应检测柑桔皮对·OH的清除作用。结果 :柑、甜橙、梁平柚皮渣的水提液IC50 分别相当于 3 .7,5 .6 ,6 .5mg(鲜皮 ) /ml。柑、梁平柚皮渣 70 %乙醇提取液的IC50 分别相当于 36 .2 ,5 0 .0mg(鲜皮 ) /ml,柑、甜橙、梁平柚皮渣的正丁醇提取液的IC50 分别相当于为 5 .2 ,4.4,9.2mg(鲜皮 ) /ml,柑、甜橙、梁平柚皮渣的乙酸乙酯提取液的IC50 分别相当于为 5 .4,4.6 ,30 .0mg(鲜皮 ) /ml。结论 :柑、甜橙、梁平柚皮渣的水提液对·OH具有较强的清除作用 ,柑、甜橙的正丁醇和乙酸乙酯提取液也具有较强的清除效果。而柑、甜橙、梁平柚皮渣的乙醇提取液 ,以及梁平柚正丁醇。
Fenton reaction was used to test the scavenging effects of water, ethanol, n-butanol and ethyl acetate extracts from the peel of penggan ( Citrus nobilis), sweet orange ( C.sinensis) and pomelo ( C.grandis) for hydroxyl free radicals with mannitol as the control. The IC 50 of water,70% ethanol, n-butanol and ethyl acetate extracts from Penggan,sweet orange and pomelo peel was 3.7,5.6 and 6.5; 36.2 and 50.0; 5.2,4.4 and 9.2; and 5.4,4.6 and 30.0mg(fresh peel)/ml, respectively. It is , therefore, concluded that the water extract from all the three Citrus species and the n-butanol and ethyl acetate extracts from Penggan and sweet orange can be used to scavenge hydroxyl free radicals, and the scavenging ability of other extracts in the experiment is poor.
Journal of Southwest Agricultural University
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