

Optimized Design of Large-Scale Porous Media Solar Energy Storage Based on CFX
摘要 基于k-ε湍流模型和多孔介质的定性损失模型,用ANSYS CFX软件对大型多孔介质太阳能储能器进行稳态流动的模拟分析。在给定边界条件的情况下,通过改变多孔介质孔隙率和储能器的结构参数,分析储能器输出功率的变化,从而得出储能器直径对介质的速度和温差乘积影响的局部灵敏度为0.45,孔隙率为0.12,多孔介质厚度为0.07,出口高度为0.001。以太阳能储能器输出功率最大为目标,通过优化得到三组参变量的设计点和一组响应点,其中设计A点对应的输出a值最大。 Based on the k-ε turbulence and qualitative losses porous medium models, ANSYS CFX software was used for large-scale solar energy storage in porous media flow in steady state simulation analysis. In the given boundary conditions, by changing the porosity of the structure and the storage parameters of the output power of the accumulator changing, energy storage medium was drawn, the speed and the diameter of the impact of local sensitivity of the product is 0.45, a porosity is 0.12, the thickness of the porous medium is 0.07, and exit height is 0.001. Maximum output power with energy storage devices was aimed at getting three sets of parameters by optimizing the design variable points and a set of response points, including the design point A outputs a value corresponding to the maximum.
出处 《机械设计与制造》 北大核心 2014年第5期215-217,220,共4页 Machinery Design & Manufacture
基金 陕西省自然科学基金重点项目(2011JZ014) 陕西省重点实验室科研项目(12JS033 11JS027) 陕西省教育厅产业化培育项目(2011JG20)
关键词 太阳能储能器 多孔介质 CFX仿真 Solar Energy Storage Porous Media CFX Simulation
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