The design of learning technology has always been the important direction of science of learning since the emergence of this interdisciplinary research area in teaching and learning. During the session of "Technologies for Learning" of the International Convention on Science of Learning 2014, researchers from different countries and regions shared their research in this field focusing on the following four aspects. In terms of the social learning technology, the social robot RUBI had a significant effect on the efficiency of children's language learning through dialogues and interactions with the children. Also, capitalizing on the social aspects of leaming, Teachable Agents can help students learn and enhance their learning and reasoning ability. In terms of the technologies of learning design and analysis, with the help of the learning design platform of PPC, teachers can select and design learning plans for students based on big data; DataShop is a data repository and web application for learning science researchers, providing researchers secure data storage as well as an array of analysis and visualization tools through a web-based interface. In terms of cognitive sketch technology, CogSketech has been proven helpful to develop students" higher-order reasoning and spatial ability. In terms of brain-stimulation technology, a relatively new brain-stimulation technique called Transcranial Electrical Stimulation may help people learn and improve their understanding of math concepts. These findings indicate that learning technology is moving from theory to practice, gradually affecting the decision-making and the practice in education. And the healthy development of learning technology requires close interdisciplinary cooperation among the researchers from the areas of education, computer science, cognitive science, neuroscience, etc. Then, focusing on the learning in real-world contexts, the technologies can promote the learners" deep learning.
Modern Distance Education Research
Science of Learning
Learning Technology
Social Learning Technology
Technologies of Learning Design and Analysis
Cognitive Sketch Technology
Brain Stimulation Technology