NiSAPO-34 and NiSAPO-34/HZSM-5 were prepared and evaluated for the performance of dimethyl ether (DME) conversion to light olefins (DTO). The processes of two-stage light olefin production, DME synthesis and the following DTO, were also investigated using biosyngas as feed gas over Cu/Zn/A1/HZSM-5 and the optimized 2%NiSAPO-34/HZSM- 5. The results indicated that adding 2%Ni to SAPO-34 did not change its topology structure, but resulted in the forming of the moderately strong acidity with decreasing acid amounts, which slightly enhanced DME conversion activity and C2=-C3= selectiw ity. Mechanically mixing 2%NiSAPO-34 with HZSM-5 at the weight ratio of 3.0 further prolonged DME conversion activity to be more than 3 h, which was due to the stable acid sites from HZSM-5. The highest selectivity to light olefins of 90.8% was achieved at 2 h time on stream. The application of the optimized 2%NiSAPO-34/HZSM-5 in the second-stage reactor for DTO reaction showed that the catalytic activity was steady for more than 5 h and light olefin yield was as high as 84.6 g/m3syngas when the biosyngas (H2/CO/CO2/N2/CH4=41.5/26.9/14.2/14.6/2.89, vol%) with low H/C ratio of 1.0 was used as feed gas.
ACKNOWLEDGM ENTS This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.51006110, No.51276183, and No.51036006), the National Natural Research Foundation of China/Japan Science and Technology Agency (No.51161140331), and National Key Basic Research Program 973 Project Founded by MOST of China (No.2013CB228105).