
跨入移动健康时代 被引量:32

Entering the Times of Mobile Health
摘要 近年来移动健康发展迅猛,已成为当前健康信息化的热点,健康信息化跨入移动健康时代。移动健康便捷、高效而成本低,是缩小健康服务的数字鸿沟,提高健康服务公平性和实现以预防为主医学模式的技术措施之一。首先简要介绍移动健康的定义和特点,然后对移动健康的结构进行研究,包括移动健康终端、移动健康接入和移动健康服务,最后对移动健康进行总结和展望——移动健康让健康服务"随手可得"。 In the recent years, the rapidly developing Mobile Health (mHealth) has become the hotspot of health informatization technique which already entered into the new times of mHealth. With the advantages of convenient, efficient and low cost, the mHeahh is one of the technical measures to narrow the digital divide, improve the fairness in health services and realize the medical model of preven- tion first. This paper begins with a brief introduction of the definition and characteristics of the mHealth and then studies the structure of the mHealth, including mobile health terminals, mobile health access and mHealth services. Finally, a summary and outlook of mHealth, with which health services will be "everywhere available" , are presented.
作者 姚志洪
出处 《医学信息学杂志》 CAS 2014年第5期1-7,24,共8页 Journal of Medical Informatics
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)"数字化医疗工程技术开发"重大项目"个人健康信息智能获取技术及系统开发"(课题编号:2012AA02A604)
关键词 移动健康 健康服务 数字鸿沟 电子健康 移动互联网 Mobile Health (mItealth) Health services Digital divide E - health Mobile Internet
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