
自动注射针:应急医学现场救援的关键技术措施 被引量:4

Auto-injector: a supporting approach of emergency medicine for the first-aid
摘要 自动注射针,一种将药物预先灌封好的由弹簧驱动的能自行完成注药过程的"药械一体化"组合产品,能帮助患者在无医护人员的现场自行完成注射药物过程,是应急医学现场实施自救互救的关键技术措施。美国是自动注射针技术的发明者也是该技术不断创新的领跑者。自动注射针载体技术从最初的战场到现在的民用,经历了挤压式半自动注射针、弹簧式单腔全自动注射针和弹簧式双腔全自动注射针等三大发展过程。现行的弹簧式载体装置共有小规格单腔式、大规格单腔式、液-液型双腔式、液-固型双腔式以及针头回缩式等5种基本类型,与之组合的军用药物主要有阿托品、解磷啶、双复磷、安定和吗啡等以及肾上腺素、利多卡因和舒马曲坦等其他急救药物。所有自动注射针品种均配备有相应的培训或训练专用模拟针。针头自动回缩或自动遮藏技术以及注药始末的提示技术,是自动注射针载体技术重要的研发应用趋势。 Auto-injector, a spring-driven drug-device based combination production that automatically injects the drug into the skin via a pre-filled syringe or cartridge, allows minimally trained individuals to self-inject potentially life-saving medication when e-mergency medical care may be absent or remote, and thus has been becoming a supporting approach of emergency medicine for the first-aid. The auto-injector was developed originally by the United State of America, and experienced the three outstanding states in-cluding syrettes, single chamber auto-injectors and dual chamber auto-injectors from the battlefield to the civilianization. The current auto-injector devices have five different types named as ACE (AtroPen), ComboPen, Binaject, Soluject and Truject, respectively. The applied drugs to the systems for military use have atropine, pralidoxime chloride, obidoxime, diazepam and morphine sulfate. The oth-er drugs for emergency medical use such as epinephrine, lidocaine hydrochloride and sumatriptan have been also applied to. All of the auto-injector based combination production have been twined with a simulator in order to conduct a training schedule before use. Importantly, the needle hidden or the device-status notification technique after injection has been becoming a trend in the technology advances of the auto-injectors.
作者 高春生 钟武
出处 《国际药学研究杂志》 CAS CSCD 2014年第3期329-334,共6页 Journal of International Pharmaceutical Research
基金 国家科技支撑计划项目(2011BAI18B01)
关键词 自动注射针 应急医学 防化医学 药械组合产品 模拟针 针头隐藏技术 auto-injector emergency medicine medical defense against chemical agent drug-device based combination products simulators needle hidden technique
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