
汶川地震滑坡体自然植被恢复及影响因子——以龙溪–虹口自然保护区为例 被引量:15

Vegetation recovery on landslides of the Wenchuan earthquake and its influencing factors: a case study in Longxi-Hongkou Nature Reserve
摘要 为了解汶川地震后滑坡体的植被恢复状况及驱动因子,于2012年8-9月在都江堰市四川龙溪–虹口国家级自然保护区对地震滑坡体上的植物物种组成、生长状况及环境因子进行了调查,共调查了127个10 m×10 m样方;并利用广义线性模型分析了影响滑坡体自然植被恢复的关键因子.结果显示:(1)滑坡体生长的维管植物有38科67属75种,以菊科(13种)和蔷薇科(7种)物种最为丰富,其余科的种类都较少;(2)物种生活型方面,草本植物种类最多,有47种,占总数的62.67%;其次为木本植物,有25种(包括灌木19种,小乔木6种);藤本植物仅3种;(3)滑坡体植被类型主要为灌丛及灌草丛,进一步可划分为10个群系,主要以灌丛为主,川莓(Rubus setchuenensis)和光滑悬钩子(R.tsangii)为主要的建群种,在滑坡体上常构成单优势片层或混合生长形成共优种;(4)植被总盖度大于30%的样方占62.99%,最高达85%;植被平均高度超过1 m的样方占60.63%,最高达2.5 m;植物物种数超过5种的样方占84.25%,最多的有17种;(5)广义线性模型结果表明,坡度、样方位置、距林缘最近距离以及地表砾石盖度为影响滑坡体自然植被恢复的关键因子:坡度越大,灌木盖度越低,植物物种数也越少(B<0,P<0.001);砾石盖度越高,植被总盖度、灌木盖度和植被平均高度都越低,植物物种数也越少(B<0,P<0.05);距林缘最近距离越远,植被总盖度和平均高度都越高(B>0,P<0.05);残留植被盖度越高,灌木层的盖度也越高(B>0,P<0.05);位于滑坡体下部样方的植被总盖度显著高于中部和上部(B<0,P<0.01).研究表明,汶川地震后滑坡体上的植被大多都能够进行自然恢复,并逐渐向灌木和乔木林方向正向演替,但不同区域的恢复速度和建群种会存在差异;次生演替初期,小尺度范围内地形条件及地表基质状况的差异性对植被的恢复状况以及演替进程都有着显著的影响. This paper aimed to understand and assess the recovery of the natural vegetation and to explore the influences of eco-factors on vegetation recovery on landslides formed by the Wenchuan earthquake. We sampled 127 quadrats (10 m × 10 m) on the landslides in Longxi-Hongkou Nature Reserve from August to September in 2012. All the tracheophyte species were recorded and the vegetation cover and height measured. A total of six ecological factors which might influence the vegetation recovery on landslides were measured, including the slope gradient, quadrat location on landslides, gravel cover, litter cover, remaining vegetation cover and the distance from quadrat to the nearest forest edge. The main results showed that four years after the formation of landslides, the natural regenerated vegetation covered more than 30% (highest 85%) in 62.99% of the quadrats. The average height of the shrub layer was equal to or greater than 1 meter in 60.63% of the quadrats, and there were five or more species in 84.25% of the quadrats. We recorded 75 plant species belonging to 67 genera in 38 families. Two families, Compositae and Rosaceae, with 13 and 7 species respectively, were pioneer species colonized on landslides. Among the 75 plant species, woody species accounted for 33.33%, including 6 tree species and 19 shrub species; herbs and vines accounted for 62.67% and 4.00% respectively. Vegetation on landslides was mainly shrubs of 10 formation types, with Rubus setchuenensis and R. tsangii the dominant species and principal cover on landslides. Logistic regression models showed that vegetation cover was significantly negatively affected by gravel cover (B 〈 0, P 〈 0.001) and quadrat location on landslides (B 〈 0, P 〈 0.001) and positively influenced by distances from the nearest forest edge (B 〉 0, P 〈 0.05). The average vegetation height was likewise significantly negatively affected by gravel cover (B 〈 0, P 〈 0.01) and positively influenced by distances from the nearest forest edge (B 〉 0, P 〈 0.05). The number of plant species was significantly negatively affected by the slope (B 〈 0, P 〈 0.001) and gravel cover (B 〈 0, P 〈 0.01). Shrub cover was significantly negatively affected by slope gradients (B 〈 0, P 〈 0.001) and gravel cover (B 〈 0, P 〈 0.001), and significantly positively influenced by remaining vegetation cover (B 〉 0, P 〈 0.05). These results suggested that vegetation on landslides could recover naturally with the dominant species, and that the characteristics of the local region had significant effect on the process of vegetation succession on landslides.
出处 《应用与环境生物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期468-473,共6页 Chinese Journal of Applied and Environmental Biology
基金 香港海洋公园保育基金(OPCFHK)资助~~
关键词 汶川地震 滑坡体 植被恢复 生态因子 龙溪–虹口自然保护区 Wenchuan earthquake landslides vegetation recovery eco-factors Longxi-Hongkou Nature Reserve
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